New Zealand Industrial Abseilers Ltd
NZIA are highly trained, experienced and certified, then combine this with trade based staff and a passion to deliver on quality workmanship, NZIA are committed to delivering you a high standard of service.
Confined space work requires very disciplined work procedures along with well-trained personnel to carry out the work required to ensure it is done safely with OSH regulations
NZIA has done and is very capable of carrying out the following services with our specialised confined space equipment and experienced and certified staff;
All the above services are done after NZIA completes our very comprehensive confined space Hazard Identification Analysis, which ensures we cover all necessary safety precautions prior to, during and after entry to the confined space.
Innovation within our Industry – NZIA has created our own software for detailed, comprehensive and photographic reports. Providing efficient solutions to our clients by using NZIA’s vast experience and engineering knowledge we regularly provide access solutions to save our clients time and money, especially in time-critical shutdowns and in difficult access situations.
Experience with large projects – NZIA completes a lot of shutdowns nationally and internationally which ensures our experience is vital to ensure our projects stay on schedule, budget and to the task.
Tradesman - Our trade based staff are highly trained and experienced – NZIA has a wealth of knowledge and experience within our trade based staff, who have been trained as Industrial Abseilers to allow this form of access to complete our work at height which in turn delivers on quality workmanship of the task.
Integrity, commitment, honesty, directness and more than 20+ years of experience which all add to delivering on projects for our clients